Christopher Wadsworth


+41 22 508 7509

Geneva, Switzerland

Improve your sleep


Are you finding it hard to drift off to sleep or do you find yourself waking in the middle of the night with racing thoughts?  Does your internal chatter become louder at night to the point that you are already anticipating it before your head hits the pillow?  If so, hypnotherapy can probably help. 


Sleep tends to improve as a natural by-product of the hypnotherapeutic process.  I can teach you how to hypnotise yourself so that you have mastery over your own emotions and feel in control.  Once you regain trust in yourself and your ability to manage your emotions, that has a beneficial impact upon your attitude to sleeping.  You can lead yourself into sleep very easily using a self-directed intention, and moreover can feel confident that in the morning you can address your feelings in a more constructive manner, well rested and fit for the day. 

The information on this website should not be considered as medical advice and is not intended to replace a consultation with a medical practitioner. If you suffer with insomnia or have any doubts or concerns about your health, you should seek advice from a medical doctor.  Hypnotherapists are not physicians and hypnotherapy does not provide the practice of medicine nor of psychotherapy.  Do not rely on any information on this web site in place of seeking professional medical advice.  

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Need to improve your sleep?

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