Would you like to be more confident?

We are the product of our experiences and our interactions with others.  Our sense of identity is being shaped from the moment we emerge into this world, long before we are capable of discerning things with the perspective of an adult mind.  Some experiences are within our influence, but much is open to chance.  And yet they define how we perceive ourselves, our place in the world, how others are likely to treat us, what we are good at, and our faults and flaws.


Hypnosis allows us to look at the fixed ideas that we hold so tightly about ourselves we no longer think of them as anything but truths written with a permanent marker.  Our brain is extraordinarily good at handing over our habitual thoughts and repetitive processes to the automatic side of our mind. But today, those thoughts and beliefs created at a very young age may be outdated or just plain wrong.  Hypnosis allows you to explore the truths and meanings in your life, to get inside the stories by which you judge your experiences and define your capabilities.  And to replace the unhelpful, outdated perceptions with something more useful to you today. 

The information on this website should not be considered as medical advice and is not intended to replace a consultation with a medical practitioner. If you suffer with insomnia or have any doubts or concerns about your health, you should seek advice from a medical doctor.  Hypnotherapists are not physicians and hypnotherapy does not provide the practice of medicine nor of psychotherapy.  Do not rely on any information on this web site in place of seeking professional medical advice. 



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