Would you like to identify the essence of “you” that lives behind the thoughts of your day-to-day existence? Would you want, just for a moment, to be able to peel back the layers and ask the inner critic, the joker, the thick-skinned ram, the storyteller, the optimist, the inner child, the victim, and any other potential parts of you to just take a seat? To let you see what lies beneath?

In this video, we’re going to explore the deep inner workings of your mind using guided meditation. By peeling back the layers of your thoughts, we’ll explore the true you behind your thoughts.

This might sound a little strange, and if it does, that’s okay because we live within metaphors of meaning, so you may wish to play along with this guided meditation to see what you get out of it. Even, perhaps, if the result is unexpected. Somewhere behind the chatter, behind the veil of your beliefs and principles, there is a stillness and peace at your core, and the opportunity to discover and make friends with that is too good to miss!

So when you have twenty minutes to set aside, join me and let’s peel back the layers. This is a guided visualisation, a mediation of sorts, to discover the true you, the eternal self, behind your thoughts.

Want to talk? Find me here!

#ego #selfawareness #ifs #guidedmeditation