Are there habits that you do to excess? It’s likely a pacifying strategy that almost works, kinda, sometimes. The problem is, it’s impossible to get enough of something that doesn’t entirely work, so you do it to excess.
Sound familiar? If so, ask yourself what is the need you’re trying to fulfil. Or the pain that you’re trying to soothe. Or the fear that you dare not face.
In this video, I discuss the perils of avoidance, hoping to help you break free from the chains of denial and those (un)comfortable delusions.
We live in a world where our personal worth is based mainly on what we have (or don’t have) rather than who we are and what we stand for. We’re led to avoid the innermost thoughts that may be uncomfortable and instead try harder, chase status and buy shiny things. Capitalism is winning here: inequality is increasing; addictions and mental health crises are everywhere. The pain is on our doorstep, but the world seems to prefer its delusions.
In this video, I discuss the risks we take by avoiding ourselves while the messengers bang louder and louder upon our aching conscience. Breaking free from these delusions is the first step towards a sane and flourishing life. I delve into what happiness is, how shame affects society at its core, and how it is leading to many of the complexities and schisms that we see in society today.
It’s a challenging and complex subject, and my words are somewhat melancholic as a result. Still, it feels important to say.
Want to talk? Find me here!
I have a much shorter video here on a similar subject:
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