Embracing Self Acceptance: Your Path to Inner Harmony

Discover daily habits to create inner peace, self-acceptance and harmony in your life. These simple practices will help you find balance and serenity in your everyday routine. Want to talk? Find me here! https://authenticlifecoaching.ch/free-clarity-session/...

Nice Guy? The Power of Integrity In Leadership

From Nice Guys to Victorious Leaders: The Power of Integrity If you self-identify as a Nice Guy, you may be sorely lacking in integrity and virtue. If so, this video aims to help you get back on track so that you can be clear, honest and direct, filled with the...

Hypnosis: What It’s REALLY Like To Be In Trance

Hypnosis: What Does It Feel Like To Be In Trance? Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be hypnotized? In this video, we explore the sensation of being in a hypnotic trance and how it can transform your mindset and behaviour. Whether you’re a sceptic or a...

Nice Guy Reality Check! Are You Living in a Fantasy World?

Nice Guy Avoidance Alert! Do You Feel Your Feelings? One aspect of Nice Guys is that they are highly detached from their emotions. They are also trying to ensure anyone they relate to avoids their feelings. The aim is to stop themselves from going into a tailspin when...

STOP Letting Fear Hold You Back from Success!

Unlimited Courage: Hypnotic Meditation To Beat Fear Forever Would you like to beat your fear and step into courage? In this video, I offer different ways to look at fear and conquer it forever. Do you think you’re brave enough to take a look? If you are trying...