Overcome Insecurities: Establish Strong Boundaries
Would you like to have a better sense of your own self? A better sense of your own agency, your own power, your ability to choose how you’re feeling, to identify the strength in your core and the peace, the quiet & the silence in your core? This video is about establishing your sense of self and your concept of your own boundary.
The video is a prelude to a podcast on the subject of boundaries that offers a hypnotic induction.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #hypnotherapy #selfawareness #hypnotic #stoicism
Self-Acceptance is a 2-Way Street! How Do You View Others?
Would you like to discover where you are on the path towards self-acceptance? Toward your higher self? Then let me ask you a question!
Want to talk? Find me here!
#selfacceptance #higherself #forgiveyourself #judgement #criticism

Nice Guy: Do You Lock Your Emotions Away to Keep The Peace?
In this video, I’m sharing why Nice Guys try to keep their (and everyone else’s) emotions locked in a box.
Too often, Nice Guys keep their emotions locked up in a box to keep the peace. That way, they avoid drawing attention to their perceived flaws. This stops them from experiencing and expressing true feelings, drains their energy by avoiding things in front of their face, and leads to alienation and irritability. It can lead to problems in relationships and all manner of frustrations in life, because you arent able to express yourself and go for what you want, especially in intimate relationships. This video is designed to help you understand why Nice Guys do this, and how to change the way you think to let loose your emotions and live a more passionate life.
It explores issues of masculinity, self acceptance and authenticity.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#emotions #niceguy #toxicmasculinity #masculinity #emotionalfreedom #repression #masculinity #niceguy #masculinityisnottoxic #niceguysyndrome #avoidance
Awakening, Enlightenment, & How To Pursue It.
In this podcast, I offer you a glimpse of what awakening is, my path of experience, and my ideas on the sorts of tools you can bring to attaining your own sense of deeper understanding and enlightenment.
I offer my approach to self-understanding and my ultimate sharing in the simplicity that all is one. But we’ll do this in as “un-woo-woo” a way as I possibly can;)
Want to talk? Find me here!
#awakening #enlightenment #selfawareness #changeyourlife #truth #selfunderstanding #stoicism #stoicwisdom
The Truth About Awakening & Enlightenment. And How To Pursue It.
In this podcast video, I offer you a glimpse of what awakening is, my path of experience, and my ideas on the sorts of tools you can bring to attaining your own sense of deeper understanding and enlightenment.
I offer my approach to self-understanding and my ultimate sharing in the simplicity that all is one. But we’ll do this in as “un-woo-woo” a way as I possibly can;)
Want to talk? Find me here!
#awakening #enlightenment #selfawareness #changeyourlife #truth #selfunderstanding #stoicism #stoicwisdom

Discover What You’re Missing Out On!
Pull up a chair, and let me tell you a little bit about what you’ll gain from watching.
Want to become a better friend to yourself? Want to feel more in control? Want to solve conflicts? Want to master your feelings? Want to understand yourself? Want to be free to just be you? Want more happiness? More freedom? More vitality? More zest? Maybe you want to trust yourself. Maybe you need support to listen to your intuition. Maybe you want to discover your passion for life. Maybe you need to find serenity. Does any of that sound appealing? If so, subscribe! You can also find me on your favourite podcast player as “Hypnotic Authenticity” and on my websites, authenticlifecoaching.ch & swisshypnotherapy.ch.
Unleash Your Potential: Subscribe Today!
Want to talk? Find me here!
#intro #introduction #personaldevelopment #lifecoaching #authenticity #change #changeyourlife #lifecoach #changeyourthoughts #goals #loveyourself #geneva #geneve #switzerland #hypnotherapy
Rapid Self Hypnosis: Unlock Your Potential in Seconds (+ Hypnotic Induction)
Would you like to discover one of the fastest ways to enter self-hypnosis? What might you feel like if you could rapidly quieten the chattering part of your mind and access the potential of everything else within?
This podcast offers a way to do just that. If you want to watch the process in action, check out my YouTube video of the same title.
** Please note: I demonstrate the technique, and you are encouraged to follow on, so DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS RECORDING UNLESS IT IS SAFE AND APPROPRIATE TO DO SO! No listening whilst driving or operating machinery. **
Want to transform your life through the incredible gift of self-hypnosis? Let’s talk!
Free chat: https://swisshypnotherapy.ch/consultation/
#guidedmeditation #selfhypnosis #hypnotherapy #hypnosis #rapidhypnosis #instanthypnosis #selfawareness #potential #creativity #creativity
Rapid Self Hypnosis: Unlocking Your Potential in Seconds
Would you like to discover one of the fastest ways to place yourself in self-hypnosis? What might you feel like if you could rapidly quieten the chattering part of your mind & access the potential of everything else within?
This video offers you a way towards just that.
Please note: I demonstrate the technique and you are encouraged to follow on, SO DO NOT WATCH OR LISTEN TO THIS RECORDING UNLESS IT IS SAFE AND APPROPRIATE TO DO SO! No listening whilst driving or operating machinery.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#guidedmeditation #selfhypnosis #hypnotherapy #hypnosis #rapidhypnosis #instanthypnosis #selfawareness #potential #creativity #creativity
Intro: Why Listen To This Podcast?
What’s in it for you? What might you gain from watching?
Pull up a chair, and let me tell you about what you might gain from watching or listening to my channel…I hope it appeals. If so, subscribe! You can find a multitude of videos here on YouTube, but I’m also on your favourite podcast player as “Hypnotic Authenticity” and on my websites, authenticlifecoaching.ch & swisshypnotherapy.ch
Want to talk? Find me here!
#intro #introduction #personaldevelopment #lifecoaching #authenticity #change #changeyourlife #lifecoach #changeyourthoughts #goals #loveyourself #geneva #geneve #switzerland #hypnotherapy

The Secret to Dropping A Belt Size Easily!
Would you like to release a little excess weight back to the universe in time for summer, so you can feel fabulous wandering around the edge of the pool? Its easy! Let me tell you the simple secret why. Feel free around food, forget nonsensical diets, and get back to trusting your own appetite.
Want to learn more? Check out my website below or schedule a free chat.
#hypnosis #weightlosstips #weightlossmotivation

Release your internal pressure cooker. Speak!
Do you feel free to express yourself? Or are you biting your tongue?
The opposite of expression is depression; consider that. If we repress what we need to release and express, then what is a body to do except dim its own light? Emotions are energy in motion, and when that motion has nowhere to go, we build a pressure that may explode in anger or be temporarily swallowed until it returns, demanding attention.
The concept is clear: express yourself and feel freedom.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#selfawareness #selfexpression #expression #depression #emotionalfreedom
Burnout Recovery: Advice To Reclaim Your Life
In this podcast, I discuss how to recover from burnout. If you’re feeling burnt out and overwhelmed, these tips will help you reclaim your life and find balance and happiness again.
Don’t let burnout and depression control your life any longer. Take back control with these effective strategies.
Want to talk? Find me here!
Burnout Recovery: How to Reclaim Your Life
Would you like to know how to recover from burnout? If you’re feeling exhausted, anxious or overwhelmed, these tips will help you reclaim your life and find balance and happiness again. Don’t let burnout and depression control your life any longer. Take back control with these effective strategies.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#burnout #exhaustion #depression #depressionrelief #tired #selfimprovement #selfawareness #anxiety #burnoutrecovery

From Nice Guy To Manipulator: Wouldn’t You Prefer to Give & Receive Kindly?
This video considers the ways that Nice Guys turn to manipulation to get their needs met. Rather than outright stating their wishes (which would imply they have needs), Nice Guys tend instead to lead their partners down the route where, hopefully, they might just guess what the Nice Guy wants. That way, the Nice Guy can pretend to be perfect. But beneath that wish is often a lack of understanding of what it is to give and to receive with authentic, open-hearted kindness. The veiled lack turns to manipulation and frustration on all parts.
If that sounds familiar, take a look at this video which offers a few solutions.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#manipulation #toxicmasculinity #masculinity #niceguy #masculinityisnottoxic #niceguysyndrome
Peeling Back the Layers: Discover the True You Behind Your Thoughts
Would you like to identify the essence of “you” that lives behind the thoughts of your day-to-day existence? Would you want, just for a moment, to be able to peel back the layers and ask the inner critic, the joker, the thick-skinned ram, the storyteller, the optimist, the inner child, the victim, and any other potential parts of you to just take a seat? To let you see what lies beneath?
In this video, we’re going to explore the deep inner workings of your mind using guided meditation. By peeling back the layers of your thoughts, we’ll explore the true you behind your thoughts.
This might sound a little strange, and if it does, that’s okay because we live within metaphors of meaning, so you may wish to play along with this guided meditation to see what you get out of it. Even, perhaps, if the result is unexpected. Somewhere behind the chatter, behind the veil of your beliefs and principles, there is a stillness and peace at your core, and the opportunity to discover and make friends with that is too good to miss!
So when you have twenty minutes to set aside, join me and let’s peel back the layers. This is a guided visualisation, a mediation of sorts, to discover the true you, the eternal self, behind your thoughts.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#ego #selfawareness #ifs #guidedmeditation
Harnessing Your Dark Side: The Key to Personal Growth
In this podcast video, I explain how to come to peace with your dark side and engage with it for your personal benefit and power. I discuss how the concept of your darker elements is created and the conclusions and mechanisms you put in place to ‘live with’ or tolerate those elements.
I also talk about the benefit of our emotional messengers and how best to deal with them to find a sense of composure, control or peace. We go into guilt and shame, the sources of our conclusions and the mechanisms by which it might be helpful to reassess what you think you know and the games you might be playing with yourself and others. This leads to a broader sense of acceptance as to who and what you might be and an opening up to yourself and all of you. If that sounds intriguing, I hope you’ll enjoy my commentary!
Want to talk? Find me here!
#shadowwork #shadow #shame
Harness Your Dark Side As a Key to Personal Growth
In this podcast video, I explain how to come to peace with your dark side and engage with it for your personal benefit and power. I discuss how the concept of your darker elements is created and the conclusions and mechanisms you put in place to ‘live with’ or tolerate those elements. I also talk about the benefit of our emotional messengers and how best to deal with them to find a sense of composure, control or peace. We go into guilt and shame, the sources of our conclusions and the mechanisms by which it might be helpful to reassess what you think you know and the games you might be playing with yourself and others. This leads to a broader sense of acceptance as to who and what you might be and an opening up to yourself and all of you. If that sounds intriguing, I hope you’ll enjoy my commentary!
Want to talk? Find me here!
#shadowwork #shadow

Transform Your Love Life: The Ultimate Guide for the ‘Nice Guy’
This video is written for reforming nice guys who have trouble with relationships. It’s all about authenticity, being yourself, sharing that with someone else and understanding where your goals, perspectives and motivations come from. It covers codependency, manipulation, narcissism and what it is to be free of all that.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#relationships #selfawareness #niceguy #toxicmasculinity #masculinity #emotionalfreedom #repression #masculinityisnottoxic #niceguysyndrome #authenticity
The Perfect Alibi: Overthinking
The Perfect Alibi: Overthinking
Are you engaged in a Heroic Quest to understand why you act and think the way you do? Is there something wrong, and you think it would be easier to deal with if you understood why?
In this video, I explain how this heroic quest to the source of your wisdom can often be a folly, a massive act of avoidance, of handing over responsibility and giving yourself the perfect alibi. Because until we find the reason, we have an unsolved condition: a reason for not taking action. We conjured it up in our imagination and then hung our reason upon the structure we built around it. We become so focused on getting things right that we stop living.
This video is designed to shatter that illusion. We learn by taking action; not, unfortunately, by thinking, overthinking, analysing, overanalysing, pontificating, ruminating and planning. Overthinking is a sucker’s game!
Want to talk? Find me here!
#overthinking #selfawareness #changeyourlife #alibi #comfortabledelusions
Secrets of Hypnotherapy: How does it work??
Would you like to understand why hypnotherapy works? Not only what’s going on, not just the experience, but actually (in my opinion at least), why it works.
In a nutshell, my premise is that hypnotherapy gives us tools to see that our thoughts are limited, that we are far more than that and that everything is changing. Moreover, it provides a replicable experience of a mechanism that we can use to shift between how we objectify the world (and ourselves) and how we relate to it. And we can use each mechanism towards different ends to better solve our own conundrums.
This long podcast dives deep into what it is to think, understand, and come to conclusions, and what it is about hypnotherapy that allows a wedge to open. If that sounds intriguing, see what you think!
Want to talk? Find me here!
#hypnotherapy #hypnosis