Learn How to Cultivate the Emotions You Desire
Do you want to cultivate the emotions you desire, but you don’t know how to start? Look no further! In this video, I’ll teach you how to feel how you want to feel by turning those feelings into new habits. Practice makes perfect, so pay attention to what you are practicing!
Want to talk? Find me here!
#emotions #emotionalfreedom #selfawareness
The Truth About Awakening & Enlightenment. And How To Pursue It. (Short 2)
This is a short excerpt from my podcast on awakening
#awakening #enlightenment #selfawareness #changeyourlife #truth #selfunderstanding #stoicism #stoicwisdom
Escape the ‘Nice Guy’ Trap: Confront Your Fears Head-On
This video considers how to face your fears. It’s spoken within the vein of nice guy syndrome, but it’s universally applicable. It addresses the sources, perceptions and interpretations of fears and the way through. Because it is only after you address your worries and take action that the fear goes away. And in the meantime, there is nothing as fatiguing as an unfinished task!
Want to talk? Find me here!
#fears #niceguy #toxicmasculinity #masculinity #emotionalfreedom #repression #masculinityisnottoxic #niceguysyndrome
Overcome Fear & Step into Your Courage (+ Hypnotic Induction)
Would you like to beat your fear and step into courage? In this video, I offer different ways to look at fear and finally conquer it. Do you think you’re brave enough to take a look?
If you are trying to appease your fears and prepare to take the steps you want, then this video is exactly for you! The first 15 minutes offer you an improved mental framework to work with fear, and then I provide you with a hypnotic induction. So please, DO NOT WATCH OR LISTEN TO THIS RECORDING WHILST DRIVING OR OPERATING MACHINERY. ONLY WATCH OR LISTEN WHEN ITS SAFE AND APPROPRIATE TO GIVE IT YOUR FULL ATTENTION.
Want to talk? Find me here!
17:43 Hypnotic Induction begins
#fears #fearless #courage #guidedmeditation #hypnosis #hypnosisforselfconfidence #confidence #confidencebuilding
Overcoming Fear and Stepping into Your Courage (+ Hypnotic Induction)
Would you like to beat your fear and step into courage? In this video, I offer different ways to look at fear and finally conquer it. Do you think you’re brave enough to take a look?
If you are trying to appease your fears and prepare to take the steps you want, then this video is exactly for you! The first 15 minutes offer you an improved mental framework to work with fear, and then I provide you with a hypnotic induction. So please, DO NOT WATCH OR LISTEN TO THIS RECORDING WHILST DRIVING OR OPERATING MACHINERY. ONLY WATCH OR LISTEN WHEN ITS SAFE AND APPROPRIATE TO GIVE IT YOUR FULL ATTENTION.
17:43 Hypnotic Induction begins
Want to talk? Find me here!
#fears #fearless #courage #guidedmeditation #hypnosis #hypnosisforselfconfidence #confidence #confidencebuilding
The Law of Attraction: A Closer Look Under The Hood (Short 3)
The Law of Attraction is incredibly seductive as a story, but does that make it accurate? Can we manifest our future? I love to keep things down to earth, so in this video, I explain some of the psychological flaws in the argument, along with my understanding of how and why it can nonetheless benefit us.
#lawofattraction #manifestation #selfawareness
Crush Your Inferiority Complex: The Ultimate Magic Trick!
In this video, I tie a lot of loose strings together and explain how to beat feelings of inferiority. If you really need to build your sense of self-esteem, then this video is for you. Take a look, especially if a fear of disapproval or a sense that you aren’t good enough holds you back.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#inferioritycomplex #fearofrejection #rejection
Experience True Self-Acceptance. Hypnotically Heal Your Inner Child (Short 1)
My offer to you today is a meditative, hypnotic practice to share some kindness with yourself, perhaps forgive yourself if you feel that might be of benefit, and leave your baggage exactly where it needs to be. My words are intended to help you discover some of the truths inside of you, to the extent that I can guess without us having ever met!
You will need to set aside about forty minutes to benefit from this guided experience, but it’s worth your precious time 😉
As with all hypnotic inductions, please only watch or listen when it is safe and appropriate to do so. You will probably want to close your eyes and dive into the process.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#hypnotic #hypnosis #selfhelp #selfhypnosis #mindfullness #mindfulness #mindfulnessmeditation
How Self Hypnosis Can Revolutionise Your Life Forever (Short 2)
Want to transform your life through self-hypnosis? In this video, I share my discoveries about the power of self-hypnosis and what it can be used for. I also provide you with some ways to guide yourself into self-hypnosis. Would you like to fix your own conflicts and become a better friend to yourself? Book a free chat & I’ll show you how.
Free chat: https://swisshypnotherapy.ch/consultation/
#selfhypnosis #selfawareness #selfacceptance #hypnotherapy #hypnosis #autohypnose #fixyourself #therapy
Nice Guy? Embrace Your Mistakes: It’s the Path to Self-Acceptance
One of the ways that nice Guys justify their people-pleasing habit is by ruminating over prior mistakes. But usually, no matter the mistake, there is a kernel of goodness that you can learn that can propel you forward towards a more learned, kinder, passionate and authentic you.
If you can embrace your mistakes for what they are and learn from them, then there’s less need to make up for your flaws in the future. Less need to hide and more reasons to shine. It’s a path to self-acceptance. If that sounds familiar, watch on and subscribe! You will discover many videos on the subject of Nice Guy Syndrome.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#selfacceptance #niceguy #insecurity #mistakes #selfawareness #toxicmasculinity #masculinity #emotionalfreedom #repression
Mastering Emotional Resilience: Thriving Through Life’s Challenges
Would you like to feel emotionally strong, even when life throws you something unexpected?
In this episode, I offer you some tried & tested techniques to help when you need immediate support. I then go on to offer some more fundamental, long-lasting ways to help build an emotionally resilient core.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#emotionallystrong #emotions #resilience #emotionalstrength #psychology #mentalhealth #selfawareness #selfdiscovery #stoicism #challenges
The Ego-Free Power Move: Liberate Yourself Now!
A client asked recently, “How do I get out of my own ego?” I think what she was trying to say was, it’s kind of noisy in here: how do I get out from that noise? How do I see what I am beneath the noise?
This is a fantastic question because the voices inside of our heads feel exactly like us: we self-identify with them. And so in this video, I delve into a few of the ways that you might start to peer behind the veil, temporarily set aside your ego and enter into a state of liberation.
Too often, we get wrapped up in our own egos and our own ideas. This can lead to stagnation and discouragement. In this video, I’m sharing a few techniques that help you break free from your ego so that you can free yourself of mental inhibition and identify the motivations, goals and feelings beneath. Perhaps;)
Want to talk? Find me here!
#ego #selfawareness
Nice Guy: Are You In Touch With Your Emotions?
One aspect of Nice Guys is that they are extremely detached from their emotions. They are also trying to ensure anyone they relate to avoids their emotions. The aim is to stop themselves and others from feeling what they feel and noticing what they notice. Why? So as to avoid any possibility of anyone noticing the Nice Guy’s flaws. The whole thing is an avoidance sham.
But as a result, rarely do they know what they truly want, what they truly feel. Maybe you are aware of this, or maybe you just feel numb, empty or in denial. Either way, this video shows you the way through: getting into your body. Getting into your feelings. Calibrating with yourself.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#emotions #niceguy #toxicmasculinity #masculinity #emotionalfreedom #repression #masculinity #niceguy #masculinityisnottoxic #niceguysyndrome #emotionalintelligence
Understanding Boundaries: Building & Maintaining (+ Hypnotic Induction)
In this video, I explain my concept of personal boundaries & offer you a guided hypnotic visualisation to get into the experience. As such, only watch or listen when you can give the recording your full attention, when its safe and appropriate to do so. Do not watch or listen when driving or operating machinery.
Want to talk? Find me here!
00:00 Intro & explanation
07:30 Eyes – closed experience
21:32 Summary conceptualisation & conclusions
#boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #guidedmeditation #hypnotherapy #selfawareness #hypnotic #stoicism
Understanding Boundaries: From Building Healthy Boundaries to Maintaining Them
In this video, I explain my concept of personal boundaries & offer you a guided hypnotic visualisation to get into the experience. As such, only watch or listen when you can give the recording your full attention, when its safe and appropriate to do so. Do not watch or listen when driving or operating machinery.
00:00 Intro & explanation
07:36 Eyes – closed experience
21:36 Summary conceptualisation & conclusions
Want to talk? Find me here!
#boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #guidedmeditation #hypnotherapy #selfawareness #hypnotic #stoicism

How Self Hypnosis Can Revolutionise Your Life Forever
Would you like to transform your life through self-hypnosis? In this video, I share my discoveries about the power of self-hypnosis and what it can be used for. I also provide you with some ways to guide yourself into self-hypnosis. Would you like to fix your own conflicts and become a better friend to yourself?
Let’s talk! Book a free chat here:
*This video has eyes-closed potential, so DO NOT watch or listen while driving or operating machinery. Only listen when it is completely safe & appropriate to do so!*
#selfhypnosis #selfawareness #selfacceptance #hypnotherapy #hypnosis #autohypnose #fixyourself #therapy

The Truth About Giving: Why Keeping Score Kills the Nice Guy
Would you like to be able to genuinely give without keeping the score? To give and be happy in that? Do you find yourself caretaking others to appear fabulous or smooth over past anger & mistakes you know you will inevitably make? If everything currently feels very conditional, and you would love to just be able to happily express some kindness, have a look at this video.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#masculinity #niceguy #selfawareness #masculinityisnottoxic #niceguysyndrome #toxicmasculinity #giving
Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs: Rewriting Your Story
Are limiting beliefs getting in your way? Would you like to free yourself to go for what makes you happy, free from the chains of fixed ideas that pull you in the opposite direction?
The first step is understanding where the ideas and beliefs came from, why they are there, and what they are trying to do for you.
Want to talk? Find me here!
If that sounds intriguing, take a listen!
#limitingbelief #fixedideas #whoami #selfawareness #stoic #psychology #authenticity #therapy
Overcome Insecurities: Establish Strong Boundaries
Would you like to have a better sense of your own self? A better sense of your own agency, your own power, your ability to choose how you’re feeling, to identify the strength in your core and the peace, the quiet & the silence in your core? This video is about establishing your sense of self and your concept of your own boundary.
The video is a prelude to a podcast on the subject of boundaries that offers a hypnotic induction.
Want to talk? Find me here!
#boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #hypnotherapy #selfawareness #hypnotic #stoicism
Self-Acceptance is a 2-Way Street! How Do You View Others?
Would you like to discover where you are on the path towards self-acceptance? Toward your higher self? Then let me ask you a question!
Want to talk? Find me here!
#selfacceptance #higherself #forgiveyourself #judgement #criticism