YouTube  @authenticlifecoachinghypnosis

Podcasts Hypnotic Authenticity

Escape the Mental Maze: How to Choose the Right Therapist for You

Are you bewildered about how to find a good therapist? Would it help to have a checklist that you can refer to?

In this video, I’m going to share with you my tips on how to choose the right therapist for you. I’ll include a checklist of characteristics that will help you find a therapist who is a good fit for your needs. After watching this video, you’ll know what to look for and be ready to choose the right therapist to help you escape the mental maze!

Want to talk? Find me here!

#therapist #therapy #selfawareness

End the Fatigue: How to Complete Your Unfinished Tasks

“Nothing is so fatiguing as the endless hanging on of an uncompleted task” (William James)

How do we get more things done? Our brain detests open loops and will constantly go back to them, so unfinished tasks are physically and mentally exhausting. This video shares some tips on how to identify the parts inside of us that represent the conflict surrounding procrastination and rebuild a better form of harmony so that you can make progress with ease and a clear mind!

Want to talk? Find me here!

#getthingsdone #motivation #procrastination #selfawareness

Break Free from Nice Guy Funk. Discover HOW.

Are you tired of being stuck in the Nice Guy funk? In this video, I’ll discuss how to break free from the Nice Guy Syndrome and start living life on your own terms. I’ve made quite a lot of videos on individual aspects of Nice Guy Syndrome, and so this video starts to draw the strands together. I’ll give you my thoughts on how to reclaim your confidence and live authentically. Say goodbye to the Nice Guy stereotype and hello to a healthier, happier you!

Want to talk? Find me here!

#niceguy #masculinity #insecurity #shame #toxicmasculinity

Break Free from Nice Guy Funk & Know Yourself.

Are you tired of being stuck in the Nice Guy funk? In this recording, I’ll discuss how to break free from the Nice Guy Syndrome and start living life on your own terms. I’ve made quite a lot of videos on individual aspects of Nice Guy Syndrome, and so this recording starts to draw the strands together. I’ll give you my thoughts on how to reclaim your confidence and live authentically. Say goodbye to the Nice Guy stereotype and hello to a healthier, happier you!

Want to talk? Find me here!

What Shapes Your Individuality? What Makes You “You”?

In this video, I explain some of the misconceptions we bring to ourselves through our assumptions and offer a better way to start looking at what we think we know. The video discusses how we define ourselves, where those ideas come from, and whether or not they are based on anything approaching reality. Whatever reality may mean! I even dip into a toe into the concept of groupthink.

Want to talk? Find me here!

#identity #selfawareness #reality

Who Am I? When Am I? Where Am I? Be Stoic: The Considered Life. (Short 2)

Who am I? When am I? Where am I? What are the stories running inside your head, where do they come from, and are they relevant? What is your identity? Your personality? Your ego? Your fears and needs? This all comes down to the considered life. I mention it throughout many of my videos, so I thought it might help to devote one short video to a quick explanation.

It’s a philosophical question that has been asked by many people throughout history, and it’s still being asked today. By considering our lives and living consciously, we can connect more meaningfully with our experiences and live our lives with more purpose despite the uncertainty and flux surrounding us. This is a challenging concept, but I hope this video helps you see the importance of living a considered life.

Want to talk? Find me here!

#stoicism #stoic #identity #personaldevelopment #whoami #stoics #mindfulness #mindfulnessmeditation #hypnotherapy #therapy #change #changeyourlife #changeyourthoughts #brycecanyon #utah #lifecoaching #lifecoach

Why Being a Low-Maintenance Nice Guy Is A Rotten Choice

If you self-identify with Nice Guy Syndrome, you may find that one of the ways to keep everybody from noticing your flaws is to become low maintenance. To go along with the flow, to be pleasant and affable. But the end result breeds resentment because you aren’t letting your personal power flow; your passions aren’t expressible, and so low maintenance turns into irritable rage.

If this sounds familiar, take a look at this video. By understanding where these thoughts and feelings come from and reexamining their meaning, you can become more expressive of your authentic self.

Want to talk? Find me here!

#masculinity #niceguy #masculinityisnottoxic #niceguysyndrome #toxicmasculinity #lowmaintenance

Hypnotic Induction: Experience True Self-Acceptance. Heal Your Inner Child

My offer to you today is a meditative, hypnotic practice to share some kindness with yourself, perhaps forgive yourself if you feel that might be of benefit, and leave your baggage exactly where it needs to be. My words are intended to help you discover some of the truths inside of you, to the extent that I can guess without us having ever met!

You will need to set aside about forty minutes to benefit from this guided experience, but it’s worth your precious time 😉

** As with all hypnotic inductions, please only watch or listen when it is safe and appropriate to do so. You will probably want to close your eyes and dive into the process. **

Want to talk? Find me here!

00:00 Introduction
00:51 Hypnotherapy is different from a YouTube recording. It’s collaborative.
05:25 Only watch or listen when its safe and appropriate to do so.
06:25 Induction begins
43:02 Experience ends!

#hypnotic #hypnosis #selfhelp #selfhypnosis #mindfullness #mindfulness #mindfulnessmeditation

The Law of Attraction: A Closer Look Under The Hood (Short 2)

The Law of Attraction is incredibly seductive as a story, but does that make it accurate? Can we manifest our future? I love to keep things down to earth, so in this video, I explain some of the psychological flaws in the argument, along with my understanding of how and why it can nonetheless benefit us.

#lawofattraction #manifestation #selfawareness

Are You Sabotaging Yourself? Understanding the Power of Emotions

Emotions are transitory; they tend to come and go. But certain emotions seem to hang around, or they keep recurring. It’s as if we are throwing wood on the fire, keeping the emotion going longer than needed.

Sometimes, our emotions have secondary gains attached to them – we benefit from them in ways we might not directly understand – and so we find ways to maintain them. My preferred route in such circumstances is to go within, to question yourself, lean into the emotion and hear its message. But sometimes, that isn’t possible in the moment, so in this video, I offer lots of techniques to allow stubborn emotions to shift.

Want to talk? Find me here!

#selfawareness #emotionalintelligence #emotions

How Self Hypnosis Can Revolutionise Your Life Forever (Short 1)

Want to transform your life through self-hypnosis? In this video, I share my discoveries about the power of self-hypnosis and what it can be used for. I also provide you with some ways to guide yourself into self-hypnosis. Would you like to fix your own conflicts and become a better friend to yourself? Book a free chat & I’ll show you how.
Free chat:

#selfhypnosis #selfawareness #selfacceptance #hypnotherapy #hypnosis #autohypnose #fixyourself #therapy

From Nice Guys to Victorious Leaders: The Power of Integrity

If you self-identify as a Nice Guy, you may be sorely lacking in integrity and virtue. If so, this video aims to help you get back on track so that you can be clear, honest and direct, filled with the authenticity of your own truth!

Want to talk? Find me here!

#nomoremrniceguy #niceguy #toxicmasculinity #masculinity #emotionalfreedom #repression #masculinityisnottoxic #niceguysyndrome #integrity #authenticity

Hypnosis: How Does It Feel To Be In Trance?

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be hypnotized? In this video, we explore the sensation of being in a hypnotic trance and how it can transform your mindset and behaviour. Whether you’re a sceptic or a believer, this video will give you a deeper understanding of the power & sensation of hypnosis.

#hypnosis #hypnotized #hypnotherapy #hypnotherapyworks

Hypnosis: What Does It Feel Like To Be In Trance?

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be hypnotized? In this video, we explore the sensation of being in a hypnotic trance and how it can transform your mindset and behaviour. Whether you’re a sceptic or a believer, this video will give you a deeper understanding of the power & sensation of hypnosis.

#hypnosis #hypnotized #hypnotherapy #hypnotherapyworks

The 4-Step Secret to Game-Changing Life Transformation. A Universal Solution!

Want to know the secret to game-changing life transformation? Would it be amusing to hear that there are only four steps involved? And that it’s universal?

If you are feeling stuck and want to change some part of your life but don’t know how to get started, this video might save you a lot of time. If the key to taking action and making massive change easily.

So what is the 4-step secret to life transformation?
1) Know where you are today
2) Identify your leverage. What will turn a ‘should’ into a ‘must’?
3) Identify the hurdles in your way
4) Take action.

Want to talk? Find me here!

#selfawareness #authenticity #changeyourlife #leverage #takeaction #motivation

Stop Hiding Your Imperfections: Breaking Free from the Nice Guy Act

In this video, I delve into one aspect of Nice Guy Syndrome: Hiding the evidence of your flaws. Hiding the evidence of all the parts of you that you try to suppress because of the negative connotations you associate with them.

The end result is a stifling of life; you inevitably limit yourself and the glory that might be and so you never really fulfil your potential.

If that sounds familiar, take a look!

Want to talk? Find me here!

#masculinity #niceguy #insecurity #masculinityisnottoxic #niceguysyndrome #toxicmasculinity

Burnout Recovery: Reclaim Your Life (Short B)

Would you like to know how to recover from burnout? If you’re feeling exhausted, anxious or overwhelmed, this is an extract from a video I made offering lots of tips to help you reclaim your life and regain balance and happiness. Don’t let burnout and depression control your life any longer. Take back control with these effective strategies.

Want to talk? Find me here!

#burnout #exhaustion #depression #depressionrelief #tired #selfimprovement #selfawareness #anxiety #burnoutrecovery